Showing: 1 - 28 of 28 RESULTS
Alpine Panorama Trail:

Alpine Panorama Trail – Leaving the Mountains

Three in the morning at the hotel window. Pitch black night. The contours of the trees are absorbed by an impenetrable blackness. Not a sound, not a single one. No owl calls in the distance, no wind whistles through the leaves, no raindrops hit the roof, absolutely nothing. Somehow beautiful and irritating at the same time. This reminds me of one of the famous novels...

Alpine Panorama Trail:

Alpine Panorama Trail – The Trail to the Castle

It's actually a miracle that no one shouts "wake up" at six and you have to stand in front of the bed after half a minute. But waking up in a room with four people, which is actually vaguely reminiscent of the military, is much more pleasant. Instead of the shouting sergeant, Fridli quietly murmurs “half past eight” and so the first day together begins. That yesterday...

Alpine Panorama Trail:

Alpine Panorama Trail - Easy walking ... and a Corpse

While I enjoy picking at my breakfast plate, I listen to the postman's conversations with the innkeepers. Like probably half of Switzerland, they are talking about yesterday's voting results. Interesting how factually and differentiated the discussions and evaluations are. That's how it should be always and everywhere. Unfortunately, a pious wish. The bakery where I arrived shortly after...

Alpine Panorama Trail:

Alpine Panorama Trail – A different Switzerland

Murmuring noises wake me from a deep unconsciousness. Looking at the clock, I saw that I had slept for ten hours, not surprising after yesterday's ordeal. But today, according to the hiking guide, things should be a little more leisurely. From Trogen (AR) over two gentle hills with great views of the Säntis, the city of St.Gallen, Lake Constance and the hilly...