Showing: 1 - 7 of 7 RESULTS
Traveling Companions

The Nepal Books

  Kasuo Ishiguro - Never let me go A large sports field, friendly classrooms and separate dormitories for boys and girls - at first glance, Hailsham seems to be an ordinary English boarding school. But the teachers, as committed and friendly as they are, are called supervisors here, and they let the children feel early on that...

The South America Books

The South America Books

Philip Reeve - Mortal Engines Predator Cities begins with Mortal Engines, the first of four novels in Philip Reeve's tetralogy. The story takes place in a futuristic steampunk version of London. Meanwhile, the cities are mounted on gigantic engines and drive across the earth in search of raw materials to survive. If Peter Jackson had a substance in...

The Ladakh Books

The Ladakh Books

  This first major novel about the mysterious Burma tells the story of the young Rajkumar, who witnesses the invasion of British troops in a snack stall in the Mandalay market in 1885. He watches in horror as the Glass Palace is plundered and has to watch as the royal family is chased into exile. In the wake he sees the…

Myanmar The Burma Books

The Burma Books

  During an expedition on Mars, astronaut Mark Watney is caught in a sandstorm and falls unconscious. When he wakes up from his unconsciousness, he is alone. On the Mars. Without food. Without equipment. And without a crew, because they are already on their way back to Earth. A spectacular fight for survival begins for Mark Watney...

The Laos Books Laos.

The Laos Books

Philip Pullman - His dark Materials The orphan Lyra, the main character in "The Golden Compass", lives in a parallel world - very similar to ours - in which science, theology and magic are closely intertwined. When her best friend disappears, Lyra goes looking for him and uncovers a sinister conspiracy. …

The Southindia Books South India

The Southindia Books

Former British Prime Minister Adam Lang wants to publish his memoirs. After the dubious murder of his ghostwriter, his successor researches more closely than required and makes a discovery that could lead to global political chaos. Was the Prime Minister actually in the employ of the CIA? No one has ruled Britain for as long as Prime Minister Adam Lang. Now he is...