Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 RESULTS

The Beauty of the Emptiness

What is so enchanting about the mountains, the empty, quiet, lonely places where your own breathing is the only sound? Is it the view into nothingness? Or the beauty of nothingness? The mountains are just a memory, already distant, already unreal. The look in the early morning, after a night of fainting, instinctively goes to...


Leh-Manali Highway - The Spirits of the Mountains

The spirits of the mountains have remained silent. We expected all sorts of dark dreams. We wouldn't have been surprised if the spirits of the mountains had taken revenge on the insolent intruders. With nightmares of deep abysses, of smashed cars, of near-crashes, of falling and crashing. Nothing like that. They remained silent. But it's still...


Leh-Manali Highway - Cautious Looks into yawning Chasms

Have you heard of the most infamous and dangerous road in the world, the “Camino de la Muerte” or, translated, the “Road of Death”? It is located in Bolivia, is a good 80 kilometers long and is described as the most dangerous road in the world. An accident on July 24, 1983, in which a bus skidded into a ravine...